ヌミスマアカデミー オンラインショップ

(399)古代ローマ「ルキーラ」アウレウス金貨 驚愕の« MS Star » 満点!紀元後164〜169年!! SOLD OUT
重量: 7,25グラム
スラブ/コイン総重量: 48,1グラム
鋳造地: 「ローマ」
鋳造時期: 紀元後164年〜169年!
直径: 21/22ミリ
裏面:「愛と美の女神」「 V-E-NVS」(笏と林檎)
NGC鑑定番号: 4252337-001
NGC鑑定番結果: 「MS STAR」満点!!!!
1: RIC (Marcus Aurelius) 783.
2: BMC (Marcus Aurelius) 320.
3: Calicó 2218 (same dies)

1: 2014年8月4日
Lot Number 23089 (鑑定結果Au 5/5、5/2 Edge Smoothed-Scratches)のダブル!最悪結果!でも12,925ドル 

2: 2014年8月4日 (Heritage Auctions) Lot 23088 「Ch Ms Star」 (落札価格米ドル 38,187ドル)

3: 2021年8月19日:(Heritage Auctions) Lot 33081
Ms Star (落札価格米ドル 31,200ドル)

4: 2023年1月9日:(Heritage Auctions) Lot 32103
Ch AU Star(Fine Styleなし!) (落札価格米ドル 19,200ドル)


古代コインの « 聖書 »級である「GOLD COINS OF THE WORLD」(Page 41)

The second of six daughters born to Marcus Aurelius and Faustina Junior, Lucilla grew up as an imperial princess, with the strange mix of power and helplessness such a position entailed in ancient Rome. In AD 161, at the age of 12, she was betrothed to Lucius Verus, who was her father's adoptive brother and co-emperor.

The marriage took place three years later in Ephesus, while Lucius was on campaign against the Parthians in the East. Although Lucius had a wandering eye and Lucilla was no model of fidelity, the marriage endured until his sudden death to a stroke in AD 169.

Much against her wishes, her father then married her off to a distinguished elderly senator, Tiberius Claudius Pompienus. Although her husband was one of the most powerful men in government, Lucilla was no longer Augusta, or empress, a situation she found increasingly intolerable.

The death of Marcus and the accession of her brother Commodus in AD 180 made matters worse, since she frequently quarreled with him and envied his wife, Crispina, who now held the title of Augusta. In AD 182, she entered into a plot with one of her lovers to do away with Commodus. But the assassin hesitated after drawing the knife and was wrestled to the ground before he could strike. When Lucilla's role in the plot was exposed, she was arrested and exiled to the island of Capri. Her death, either by starvation or execution, came shortly thereafter.